Everyone’s Got Brain; Everyone Is Intelligent

November 07, 2023 3:51 PM | Anonymous member

By Daniel Olufemi, Ph.D.

As a society, we place far too much importance on academic brilliance; so, being
academically sound or intelligent is a natural badge of honor for individuals who exhibit the
characteristics. But, do people who excel in the three R's have a better chance of success in life?
According to studies, academically qualified persons are not generally smarter than others.
Howard's Frames of Mind: Theory of Multiple Intelligences clearly demonstrates that formal
education accomplishment is merely one component of multiple intelligences (Gardner, 1993).
His thesis provides a new prism through which to reconsider intelligence, not only in school but
also in the business. It teaches us that no one is stupid, that everyone is brilliant in some manner,
and that all we need is a little support.

For that purpose, Howard outlined nine different Intelligences that humans have the
capacity to manifest. They are as follows: 1. Verbal-Linguistic (knowledge of words; ability to
speak, read, or write well); 2. Logical-Mathematical (Mathematically inclined; skilled with
numbers and like logic); 3. Visual-spatial intelligence (thinking in images; designing, drawing,
and painting); 4. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence (Body Smart; movement, touch, athletics, etc.),
5. Musical-Rhythmic Intelligence (Music Smart; makes sounds, music, sings, and dances); 6.
Intrapersonal Intelligence (self-awareness, self-motivation, reflection, and introspection), 7.
Interpersonal Intelligence (People Smart; cooperative, dispute resolution, etc.); 8.
"spiritual/existential"; intelligence (awareness of one's own existence); 9. Naturalist intelligence (capacity to recognize and categorize organisms, creatures, and other natural phenomena); Unfortunately, the first two are usually valued in schools and corporations.

Daniel Olufemi, Ph.D., teaches Language, Literacy, and instructional technology courses at New
Mexico Highlands University.


Gardner, H. (1993). Multiple intelligences: The theory in practice. Basic Books/Hachette Book

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